We Wrote a Cookbook!
“Cooking for Grownups” Now Available on Amazon

Image courtesy of Spencer Davis on Unsplash
Citizen Upgrade editorial team members are big fans of cooking food that is easy to make, inexpensive, and healthy. Many of us have friends or family members with dietary restrictions, so we’ve learned how to modify our favorite meals to accommodate gluten free, low-FODMAP, and vegetarian dietary restrictions. Given our improvisational spirit, we also enjoy recipes that are forgiving when it comes to adding, subtracting, or changing ingredients to experiment with flavors or just use up what’s left in the fridge.
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We wanted to collect our favorite recipes to share them with friends and family, so with that in mind we published Cooking for Grownups: Easy, Nutritious, and Delicious Recipes with Gluten Free, Low-FODMAP, and Vegetarian Options. This book is perfect for the “what should we make for dinner” debate, for planning your next trip to the grocery store, and as a reminder of fun meals and good times. The design of this book makes it a good primer for those “kids” going to college, “post-grads” striking out on their own, young families who need simplicity in their lives, or people who are simply newer to cooking.
- Recipes for beverages, side dishes, main courses, and desserts.
- Graphical rating system (in the paperback and hardback versions) to evaluate recipes as you try them.
- Substitution notes to accommodate a variety of restrictions, including gluten free, low-FODMAP, and vegetarian diets.
- Available in paperback, hardback, and eBook (kindle) editions.
- Blank lined pages are included in the print versions so you can take notes or write in your own favorite recipes.
Order your copy via the link below!

Image courtesy of author, order your copy of the book here!
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